Saginaw Bay Area recent strong winds blew the ice out of the Bay on west side. At Pinconning, the ice has blown out to the point that you can’t even see across the open water to the ice beyond. There is open water just beyond the point at the little bay off Pinconning Park, and as close as maybe 200 yards offshore from Neuman Road. Open water was reported just outside Nayanquing Point, and at Linwood the open water is maybe a mile offshore. On the east side, there are ice shoves 20 feet and higher off the Thomas Road area, so the ice also broke up there due to the strong wave action. Cold weather this week may harden things up a bit, but this could be the end of ice fishing on the Bay, except for a few secluded areas where shore ice may be fishable for a while.
Saginaw River is running fast and muddy after the rain. Ice on the river does not look good. There was no one fishing the river including at the mouth or around the U.S.S. Edson. The ice appears white and honeycombed and no one should be on it.
Fishing Tip: Tips to stay safe when ice fishing in early spring
Winter is winding down, but there’s still time to go ice fishing. But remember, there are a few important safety precautions to take if you plan to do so:
- Towards the end of the season, ice becomes rotten and soft. Although ice may still be more than a foot thick, it might not be strong enough to hold someone safely.
- Don’t forget to still carry the appropriate safety items, such as ice picks and a throw rope. And remember to wear a personal flotation device when heading out.
- Continue to use the buddy system and have someone with you to help if you fall through the ice.
- Carry a fully charged cell phone in a waterproof plastic bag. Make sure it is easily accessible in case of an emergency.
- Pay attention to the weather. If it hasn’t been consistently cold or if there has been a lot of wind you can’t guarantee there will be solid ice to head out on.
For more information on ice fishing, visit